Monday, August 23, 2010

Science instructors trek Alaska through Chautauqua Institute program

Bev Dow and Kate Kramer framed by Mt. McKinley
Bev Dow (Biology instructor and MCCFA president) and Kate Kramer (Geology instructor) traveled to Alaska in June to participate in a program sponsored by the Chautauqua Institute. Before their classes began they took a three-day trip from Anchorage to Denali National Park. They were among the 15% of tourists to see Mt. McKinley (pictured) on a clear day. Upon returning to Anchorage, Kate and Bev took a course in the ecology of south-central Alaska.

During their three days with two instructors from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, they studied the tundra, taiga, and coastal rainforest ecosystems. Following the class, they took a one-day cruise of the Kenai Fjords, seeing humpbacked whales, Steller sea lions, sea otters, puffins, common murre (birds that look and sound like penguins), and an actively calving glacier. Kate stayed on for a class on glaciers and another class on earthquakes and tsunamis. (submitted by B.D.)